
Camp o’ the Pines offers zip lines, swimming, water slides, archery, marksmanship, Ping-Pong, shuffleboard, tetherball, canoeing, paddleboats, fishing*, kickball, sand volleyball, and more.

*Fishing poles and other necessary equipment are provided at camp.

Two lifeguards and one cabin leader are on duty at the pool at all times. Plus, an additional lifeguard and another cabin leader are stationed specifically at the water slides.

The pool area is kept locked anytime lifeguards are not on site.

On Sunday evening and Monday morning, the head lifeguard covers pool procedures and then conducts a swim test the width of the pool (required for all campers who wish to swim in the deep end). The shallow end of the pool is 3'–3.5' deep and the deep end of the pool is 3.5'–5' deep.

Four swimmers test at a time with all three lifeguards present.

Safety is always our top priority! If there’s lightning in the area, campers will participate in indoor organized activities until the weather clears and outdoor activities can resume. If there’s only a light rain and no lightning in the area, outdoor activities can continue as normal.

Campers are expected to stay with their group throughout the entire day. Campers can sit out of an activity if they choose, but they must remain with their group.

Yes, typically campers will get to enjoy a fireworks video for July 4.



For transportation to camp, you can bring your child to one of the bus locations. To reserve bus transportation, you’ll need to fully pay for camp in advance, including spending money. In your confirmation email, you’ll get the bus pickup times and locations.

Note: Bus seating is limited! Save your child’s spot as soon as you can.

Yes, each bus driver has an assistant who helps watch campers.




Yes, as long as the parent contacts us no later than Friday noon that camp week. Let us know who your child will be riding home with, their relationship to your child, and the best phone number to contact them.

For your camper's security, those picking up your camper (including parents and legal guardians) must present a photo ID.

For your camper's security, those picking up your camper (including parents and legal guardians) must present a photo ID.


Yes, there are several options to have mail or packages delivered to your child at camp.

  • Hand them to the bus helper or camp staff when dropping off your camper. On the letter or package, include your camper's name, cabin, and what day you would like the package delivered.
  • Take them to Pensacola Christian Academy (10 Brent Lane, Pensacola, FL 32503) before 10 a.m. each day (no postage required). On Fri., July 4, drop off mail and packages at the Information Desk in the Administration Building at Pensacola Christian College between 10 and 11 a.m. On the letter or package, include your camper's name, cabin, and what day you would like the package delivered.
  • Mail letters or packages with postage to:

Postal Service

Camp o’ the Pines

Attn. Camper’s Name

P.O. Box 18500

Pensacola, FL 32523-8500

UPS, FedEx, etc.

Camp o’ the Pines

Attn. Camper’s Name

10 Brent Lane

Pensacola, FL 32503

We recommend that all mailed letters and packages be sent the week before camp starts; otherwise mail may not arrive in time for your child to receive it during the camp week. This is especially important during the July 4 week of camp since the holiday will cause mail and package delivery to be off by one day.

Campers enjoy receiving notes from their family and friends. Non-messy, non-refrigerated snacks in a single-serve or resealable container are favorites as well! When preparing packages, check out our list of what to leave home, since some items can't be used at camp.

Because some campers have allergies, please do not send flowers or edible arrangements to camp.

Yes! We recommend giving your child a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Or your child can purchase stamps and postcards at the Camp Store.

In the spirit of traditional camping, Camp o’ the Pines encourages campers to unplug from cellphones and get fully immersed in camp activities. Of course, in case of an emergency, the camp directors always have a phone available.

From our years of camp experience, we can attest that seeing parents during the week often makes a camper homesick. For that reason we discourage parents from visiting during the week. If you still choose to visit, and your camper ends up going home with you, please remember that you won’t be refunded for the cost of the camp week.

Camp property is secured during the week for camper safety. Parents who come to camp during the week must use the call button at the gate to request entry.

If your visit is simply to drop something off for your camper, we’d recommend dropping it off with the camp director at the Rec Room office and let the camp director deliver the item to your camper. For your convenience, you may also drop off items at Pensacola Christian Academy before 10 a.m. each day and they will be delivered to them that same day. (On Fri., July 4, drop off mail and packages at the Information Desk in the Administration Building at Pensacola Christian College.)



Yes! Campers can request one cabinmate who is the same birth gender and the same age (or one year difference).

Both children must request each other on the camp registration form.

Note: Please make only one cabinmate request per camper.

The maximum limit per cabin is eighteen.


If you want to see Camp o’ the Pines beforehand, we recommend taking a look at our interactive tour to see what it's like!

Camp o’ the Pines takes place on a gated property. Our camp leaders supervise and interact with campers at every game, activity, meal, and service. They also stay in the cabins and are available to meet campers’ needs throughout camp.

Camp property is secured during the week for camper safety. Parents who come to camp during the week to pick up their camper for appointments or other activities must use the call button at the gate to request entry.


How young can my child be to attend camp?

Children must be at least eight years old when coming to camp. Campers who turn eight on the Sunday check-in day for the desired week of camp may attend. Children who do not turn eight until the Monday of the desired week of camp are too young to attend camp that week.

How old can my child be to attend camp?

Children must be twelve years old or younger when coming to camp. Campers who are twelve on the Sunday check-in day for the desired week of camp may attend that particular week, even if they turn thirteen later that week.

Once registration opens in the spring, you’ll find a “Register” option in the menu at the top of the homepage. After you register online, you’ll be given a registration number for making supplemental payments for your camper later. You’ll also receive this number in a verification email.

If you don’t receive this email or your registration number, your registration was not submitted successfully. Please go back to the “Register” page and fill out a complete registration to save your camper’s spot!

To cancel or make changes to your camper’s registration, please have a parent or legal guardian listed on the registration contact us. Note that the registration fee is nonrefundable and nontransferable, and the camp fee is nonrefundable and nontransferable if canceling after the Thursday before camp. No refunds are available if a child attends any part of a week.

Yes, campers can attend multiple weeks. However, since they cannot stay over the weekend, someone must pick them up at the end of the first week and drop them off at the beginning of the second week.

A parent, relative, or family friend, who is willing to pick up your child in case of an emergency, must be within a three-hour drive of Pensacola during the entire week of camp.

If an opening becomes available for your child, we’ll contact you to make sure your child still wants to attend camp. Then, we’ll charge your card and confirm availability for bus transportation if you had selected that option.

Check out the complete list of what to bring and what to leave home. Also, once your registration has been processed, you will receive a confirmation email that includes this list.

Because some campers have allergies or are afraid of animals, we ask that no pets be brought to camp.

Because some campers have food allergies and other medical issues, no food for sharing should be brought or sent to camp.

We've found that camp is an excellent opportunity for parents to have conversations with their children on budgeting their spending money so it lasts all week. Additionally, since campers are responsible for their spending habits at camp, parents can restrict how much they spend by putting a smaller amount on the spending money account before camp starts, and then monitoring and adding small amounts throughout the week as desired. On Monday morning of camp, you'll receive an email with your camper's unique username so you can set up your online access to monitor and add funds to the spending money account.

Yes! On Monday morning of camp, you’ll receive an email with your camper’s unique username so you can set up your online access. This online access is available through Thursday of camp. Make sure your last payment is made by Thursday at noon as campers' last store time is on Thursday.

Setup Instructions (available Monday through Thursday of camp)

  • Go to the Card Account Request Password page.
  • Enter your unique email address and your camper's username and click “Request Password.” A temporary password will be emailed to you. If you do not have your camper’s username, please contact us.
  • Select “Back to Sign In” to return to the Sign In page.
  • On the Sign In page, enter your camper's username (e.g., 12345wk1) and the temporary password and click “Sign In.”
  • You will be prompted to change your password. Use the temporary password as your current password.

Login Instructions (after setting up your online account; available Monday through Thursday of camp)

  • Go to the Card Account Sign In page.
  • On the Sign In page, enter your camper's username (e.g., 12345wk1) and your password and click “Sign In.”

Lost and found items are taken to Pensacola Christian Academy (10 Brent Lane, Pensacola, FL 32503). You may stop by the front desk there to inquire about the lost item, or call the Academy at 850-478-8496, ext. 5001, to make arrangements for having the item mailed to you.

After camp, all remaining items are packaged by week, placed in a storage room at Pensacola Christian College, and held for two weeks after the last week of camp. Contact us to schedule a time to stop by to see if the lost item has been found.

If a camper’s medication is left at camp, it will be held for one week and then disposed of if not claimed. To check if your camper’s medication was left at camp, please call 850-479-6555.


Camp o’ the Pines is an overnight camp in a woodsy outdoor setting. Campers participate in a busy day of structured, fun activities, including swimming, water slides, zip lines, fishing, canoeing, archery, and other physical activities. Campers typically wake up at 6:50 a.m. and go to bed around 9:30 p.m.

Campers stay in a group with other campers their age and are expected to follow directions from leaders and instructors. Campers can expect to walk from place to place during the day while participating in activities and to spend long stretches of time outdoors in the sun. The campground is home to a variety of insects, including bees, wasps, fire ants, and horseflies.

Camp o’ the Pines is located approximately 30 minutes from the nearest hospital. All medications are stored by and administered during mealtimes and at bedtime by the camp nurse.

Camp o’ the Pines is not a nut/peanut-free, gluten-free, or dye-free camp.

Campers must know what foods they need to avoid. Campers may bring non–refrigerated food in sealed packages/containers if they have special dietary needs or do not like what is being served.

Check out our camp menu to see the food typically served at camp.

The camp nurse administers medication in The Skillet at each meal, and right before bedtime. Any other time during the day that a camper needs medication they must walk to the nurse’s cabin. The camp nurse is not able to administer medicine in the middle of the night or before campers head to The Skillet for breakfast.

Camp is approximately 30 minutes from the nearest hospital.

These conditions include ADHD, ADD, asthma, ODD, autism/Asperger’s, diabetes, seizures, anxiety/depression, etc. However, this list is not all-inclusive.

An Authorization for Administration of Medication form is required for any camper who is bringing any routine or as-needed prescription medication, over-the-counter (OTC) medication, vitamins/supplements, or essential oils.

All medication will be returned to the camper by the nurse at the end of camp. Campers are responsible for transporting medication home.

Submit completed Authorization for Administration of Medication form here.

As soon as possible (but no later than the Thursday before camp)! The camp nurse cannot keep or administer any medication for campers who arrive at check-in without a completed Authorization for Administration of Medication form.

The Authorization for Administration of Medication form does not need to be signed by your camper’s primary physician. It can be signed by a licensed healthcare professional at a walk-in clinic or local healthcare facility.

For safety, all non-emergency camper medications are kept in the nurse's cabin. Emergency medications (EpiPens, inhalers, etc.) stay with your camper's leader so your camper can immediately access them anytime needed.

Yes, emergency EpiPens and rescue inhalers will be carried by the cabin leaders and will be kept with your child at all times.

Because there are not refrigerators in the cabins, we recommend sending non-refrigerated items with your child (e.g., pudding) for medication that must be mixed with food.

The camp nurse has a small refrigerator specifically for storing medication that needs to remain cold.

Yes, you’ll be contacted if there’s any type of medical situation involving your child.

If a camper’s medication is left at camp, it will be held for one week and then disposed of if not claimed.

To check if your camper’s medication was left at camp, please call 850-479-6555.